High & Low Context Culture


 High OR Low Context Culture 

  1. Strong sense of insiders and outsiders (high)


  1. Specific information exists (low)


  1. Informal   (low)


  1. Team and family activities preferred (high)


  1. Focus on results (low)


  1. Transparency expected (low)


  1. A lot of confidential information (high)


  1. Rules and regulations are easily accessible (low)


  1. Close personal relationships (high)


  1. General information (high)


  1. Elders/authoritative figures in control (high)


  1. “Have a go at it” philosophy (low)


  1. Individual responsibility (low)


  1. Concerned about ‘losing’ face. (high)


  1. Expertise valued (low)


  1. Who you know is important (high)


  1. Focus on task (high)


  1. Emphasis on words and text (low)


  1. Strong sense of family (high)


  1. What you know is important (low)


  1. Gender roles clearly defined (high)


  1. Polite people admired (high)


  1. Reserved (high)


  1. Individual freedom valued (low)


  1. Strong sense of honor (high)


  1. Short term relationships (low)


  1. Process more important than product (high)


  1. Privacy (even when dealing with one’s own family) highly valued (high)


  1. Public admission of wrongdoing expected. (high)


  1. Strong sense of respect (high)


  1. Better response to visual information (high)


  1. Gender roles less fixed (low)


  1. No direct eye contact (high)


  1. Strong sense of fairness (low)


  1. Verbal agreements (high)


  1. Values logic over feeling (low)


  1. Very rare marriage with outsiders (high)


  1. Clear division of responsibilities at work (low)


  1. Written contracts (low)


  1. Public criticism insulting (high)


Choose from three of the sentences in the document that represent your personality and explain why:

1. Team work preferred.

Personally, I preferred to work with others because will help me to identify my own strengths and weaknesses, share idea, build relationship with others,  learn something new, improve my skills and achieve much more than work individually.

2. Strong sense of family.

Personally, my family special part in my life and very important for me. I get my power from my family. Also,  My family happiness is my Priority in my life.

3. Direct communication. 

Personally, I preferred to communicate directly with people to avoid any miss understanding.

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